Sunday, September 22, 2013

Classy Braided Updo

This was incredibly simple. 5 braids, 3 braids down the back of the head and 1 on each side. Just weave and pin the 3 braids in the back first. Then pull each side braid around and pin to polish off the look. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Acrylic Faux Dreads

Recent work I've done and I'm proud of! (I had help with these. Very time consuming process! Thanks Heather and Deanna)

For people who want try dreads, but don't want to commit to them. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Hair Tutorial: Knots & Loops

I love this style. It adds a nice flair when you want to leave your hair down or half up. The pictures that go along with this are done on a friend and a mannequin. Mannequin heads aren't the easiest to work with so keep that in mind. This looks great on people!

Step 1. Start with a loose knot near the temple and secure it with a bobby pin.

Step 2. Loop a piece of hair about a half inch think through the knot. Don't pull the hair the entire way through the knot. You can secure with a bobby pin or a duck bi clip. I use clips first and secure later.

Step 3. Repeat. Keep looping hair in half inch increments until you reach the back of the head. Once in the back secure with bobby pins.

Step 4. Repeat on the other side. Knot. Loops. Secure in the back. If you haven't secured the loops at this point now would be the time to do so.

Step 5. To hide the bobby pins in the back you can pull some hair up over or pin a few curls. I like to pin a few loose curls. This picture I just tucked the bobby pins under the hair I had pulled back.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Product Review: Kenra Platinum Silkening Mist

The Platinum Silkening Mist is amazing! Seriously! Love it!

It's a fine, light weight mist you spray in your hair. It protects from heat. Adds shine. Eliminates frizz. It does NOT weigh the hair down. It also smells fantastic. One bottle should last months! We had one we used at the salon. We used it on everyone and we made it last forever. It is a fantastic investment for your hair! Each salon is a little different, but it should retail in a local salon for around $20. A must have product for everyone who loves their hair!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Common Lies Stylists Hear

I will never, I repeat, NEVER understand why people feel the need to lie when they come into the salon and sit in my chair. It doesn't help me solve your hair issues if you lie and most of the time, we know you're lying.

Here are some of my favorite lies.

- okay, let's talk about natural color for a second. If your hair is natural, that means you have no color in it from root to end. Period. If you have ever put any sort of color in your hair, then you have color in your hair. Maybe you let it grow out 3 inches. Maybe it has faded. If you colored your hair then you colored your hair and the color will still be in the ends. Just tell us you colored it. Normally we can tell you colored it anyhow, we just need to know what kind if color you used. As in, did you put box color in your hair? (That stuff is horrible, don't do it) We want to do your hair right and give you the look you want. We can't do that if you don't speak up and tell us what is in your hair.

- just because you own it, doesn't mean you are using it. If it comes from Walmart... IT'S NOT PROFESSIONAL!!! Product you buy in a store dries your hair out or covers it in wax making it appear softer and healthier than it is. This can lead to your hair snapping off because it's not getting the nutrients it needs. It can cause your color to come up uneven or fade quickly. If you want healthy, luxurious hair, please just stick with salon products.

- this happens all the time. Someone brings in a picture of a new style they want to try with their hair. By their next salon visit they are right back to the first look they came in with. If you aren't sure about a style, discuss it with your stylist first. Make sure it's right for you. Maybe it's a look you need to slowly work into.

- not sure why this happens. Customers will say they love their hair, but in reality they leave the salon unhappy and go somewhere else. If you are unhappy with the service you receive, speak up! Don't pay for something you don't like. Make sure you leave the salon happy.

- here's the thing about wearing a ponytail daily, it's bad. The elastic band puts pressure on the hair strands. The strands start to weaken and can snap.

- this is more for waxing than hair. Tanning up to 48 hours before or after a wax appointment is a bad idea. Your skin is more sensitive. The wax can rip your skin off and leave blisters if you tan before. If you tan after waxing, the area you waxed can burn. Safety first.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Websites To Try Hairstyles

For one of my posts, a friend asked me to list websites you can upload your photo to try hair styles. Honestly, this was a fun idea and I may have spent several hours finding and using different websites and apps to come up with this list.
- Cosmo has a virtual hairstyles and makeover area on their website where you can upload a picture of your face and try different styles. I didn't find this helpful at all because my picture kept uploading sideways and I wasn't able to readjust it.
- this was probably the app I found that was the most fun. You can use their website or download the app for your smartphone. I opted for the app on my iPhone and it was fun. In the App Store look for Makeup by ModiFace. Not only can you try hairstyles, but you can try different looks with makeup as well. (I would look terrible with cotton candy pink lips and Nicki Minaj hair.)
- this website/app was my favorite. It's simple to use and after you decide on a style you can easily flip through the style you like in different colors. Colors include natural colors to bright party colors. Look in the App Store for hair try on by taaz to download the app today.

I'll try to regularly update this post as I find sites and apps that you can use.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Here We Go...

I'm really excited about this idea of starting a blog. So let me tell everyone a little about myself and what I'm hoping to achieve with this.

I have been a hairstylist for 7 years. I honestly love my job. (for the most part) In these last 6 years I've discovered so many misconceptions people have about stylists and hair, makeup, skin care, etc. I would love to lend my knowledge to the every day person and clear up those misconceptions while teaching you how to achieve the perfect look for you. (to the best of my ability. A blog can only do so much and not every tip will work for everyone, but I'll do my best) I encourage everyone to ask questions and leave comments. I'll do my best to answer questions. Please keep it friendly. I will not tolerate rude behavior on my blog.

Thank you and let's roll!

(DISCLAIMER: all products I'll recommend are only suggestions based on things I've tried on either myself, my friends, or my clients. While I am a professional and will give my professional opinion, not every product will work for every person. If you have an adverse reactions to a product, please stop using it. All products have labels you can read so you can be aware of ingredients and make the best decision for you. This goes for everything that will be on this site. You have been warned so I cannot be held responsible)